Saturday, March 7, 2009

Will earth become like Mars or Venus as time progresses

So before we discuss solutions;

Some important facts about carbon in the atmosphere.

As of March 2009, atmospheric carbon approaches 387 parts per million. (ppm)

It has been postulated that somewhere between 450 and 500 ppm is the point of no return. ( the Venus effect )

It is a scientific fact that if carbon falls below 150 ppm, life on earth ceases to exist as we know it. ( the Mars effect )

It is also postulated that if we stopped burning fossil fuels today, due to the oceanic absorption effect, we would not see any significant lowering of the current number for 1500 years !

So why should we worry.....It's too late for that isn't it ? It was too late before we hit peak oil last century, if you believe fossil fuel is the primary culprit regarding climate change.

After all, in the last 60 years, Mars has experienced exactly the same surface temperature increase as planet Earth.

Are those little green men not so green ? Of course not ! Sol...( that star , most refer to as the sun )... is part way through a warming phase....Simple really...But alas, humans think that the Earth is a constant place with a constant environment, and a constant climate, with no volcanic or tectonic activity and probably no evolving species too ! Humans are just so comfortable with jumping to conclusions without the facts.

Not that long ago in the 1960s and 70s, our scientific minders were warning us of the impending global cooling and potential for another mini ice age !

Any which way you look at it, humans will complain.

Any way you look at it, humans are not a significant factor, when you compare them to Solar, Stella, volcanic, or even Forrest fire episodic events.

End of page one.

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